Culbertson School:
Over a 100 years of History!
Left: Professor Watson, Culbertson School's first teacher. 1897
Culbertson Alumni Scholarship
1904 Basketball: Miss Lilly Dale, Grace Patch, Charley
Patch, Ruth Oakes, Lee Palmer, Ruth Bain, Clara 1916 Class Play
Sherman, Frank Nugent, Alfred Oakes, John Simpson.
Eddie Caldwell.
1933 Football Team 1940 Football Team
District and Divisional Champs - Class B 11 Man Front Row: Harold Seiler, James Forsyth, Loren
McCormick, Virgil Salvevold, Jay Jaumotte,
Back Row: Fred Fryhling, Russell Oelkers, Robert
Wix, Floyd Oelkers, Otto Waldow.
1955 - 56 Band 1957 Basketball Team and Cheerleaders
4th Place in State Class "C" Tournament
1969 Track Team Culbertson Public School, 1949